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Rising Sea Levels: Coastal Towns Adapt in Delaware

submitted on 29 December 2023 by

A Land of Soggy Sneakers and Inflatable Furniture

Delaware, that little slice of heaven between New Jersey and Maryland, is in quite a pickle. Not just because it's wedged between two states chock-full of people who think "The Sopranos" is a lifestyle choice, but because it's facing the very real possibility of being swallowed up by the Atlantic Ocean. This is no mere inconvenience, like having to take your shoes off at the beach and getting sand between your toes. This is a full-on existential crisis, the kind that would make a lesser state start chain-smoking and writing bad poetry. But Delaware, bless its little heart, is adapting to this watery fate with all the pluck and ingenuity one would expect from a state that's so small it can't even fill up a whole jigsaw puzzle piece.

Sea-Level Sallies

Why is the ocean treating Delaware like one big lapping bowl? Climate change, of course. You remember climate change, that thing that about half of our elected officials don't think is happening, despite all the evidence to the contrary? Yeah, it's happening, and it's making life in Delaware a lot more interesting. As the temperature of the planet rises, so do sea levels, and Delaware's coastline is taking the brunt of it. But instead of throwing in the (damp) towel and moving to Nebraska, the good people of Delaware are doing their best to adapt to the shifting tides, figuratively and literally.

Adapting to Aquatic Intruders

One way Delaware is adapting to the rising sea levels is by building new infrastructure that can handle the encroaching waters. In some cases, this means constructing new buildings on stilts, so that they're high and dry even when the streets are flooded. In other cases, it means building new roads that are raised above the flood-prone land. It's like living in a state-sized version of Venice, minus the gondolas and the smell of tourists. This may seem like a drastic measure, but when you're facing the possibility of being entirely underwater, a few stilts and raised roads hardly seem excessive.

A Revolutionary Solution – Inflatable Furniture

Another way Delaware is adapting to the rising sea levels is by embracing inflatable furniture. That's right, the same stuff you used to float on in your backyard pool as a kid is now being used as a lifeline for Delaware residents. Inflatable chairs, sofas, and even tables are all the rage in Delaware these days, and not just because they're a convenient and affordable way to furnish your home. No, the real beauty of inflatable furniture is that it floats. So, when the water comes rushing in, your couch won't be anchored to the floor like a Titanic deck chair. Instead, it'll bob around like a giant rubber duck, providing you with a comfortable and buoyant refuge from the flood waters. Now, that's what we call "going with the flow."

Delaware's Aquatic Ambassadors

Of course, Delaware isn't facing this watery future alone. It's getting help from some unlikely allies: Dutch experts. The Netherlands is no stranger to dealing with rising sea levels – after all, the country is basically one giant reclaimed swamp, and most of it sits below sea level. So, it's only natural that the Dutch would be the go-to guys when it comes to dealing with flooding issues. They've been lending their expertise to the Delaware cause, helping to design flood-resistant infrastructure and offering advice on how to cope with the rising tides. It's like a cross-cultural, aquatic version of "The A-Team," and it's as amazing as it sounds.

A Bright (and Slightly Damp) Future

Look, we're not going to pull any punches here: Delaware's situation is pretty dire. But instead of wallowing in self-pity and despair, the people of this plucky little state are facing their watery future head-on, with creativity, ingenuity, and more than a little bit of humor. And if there's one thing history has shown us, it's that when people band together to face a common threat, they can accomplish amazing things. So, keep an eye on Delaware – it might be a tiny state, but it's got a big heart and an even bigger fighting spirit.And, hey, if all else fails, at least they'll have some really great beachfront property to sell off to New Jersey.
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