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Quick Tips for Roofing Maintenance

submitted on 31 October 2020 by
Quick Tips for Roofing Maintenance As a homeowner, what have you done to take care of your roof? Do you actually know how old your roof is and what condition it is currently? Unfortunately, most people ignore their roofs until either a leak or a storm occurs. At that point people hire e roofing contractor to check their roof and repair it. Sometimes a repair will fix the problem, however other times it is too late for a repair and a replacement is needed. Often times, a replacement could have been delayed for another several years if proper roof maintenance was done. The question is, what can you do on your own to help maintain your roof for as long as possible? Hence, to avoid big expenses such as a roof replacement.

1. Clean the Gutters
Often times, leaks occur as a result of backed-up gutters. You should clean the gutters and hose down the roof. There are tools you can buy to help you clean it yourself. Or you can hire a professional to do that for you. That will prevent or clear clogged gutters. The problem with clogged gutters is that the snow or can't properly drain. It gets backed up and puts extra burden on your roofing materials.

2. Visit your attic 3-4 times a year
Check your attic for leaks or any other indications of roof problems. If you catch a leak on your attic that has not spread through the other levels the house, you may have saved yourself thousands of dollars. The best times to inspect your attic is after each season of the year.

3. Trim Overhanding Tree Branches
Landscaping may seem a luxury for some people. However, a basic landscaping can prevent serious damage to your house. First some tree roots can seriously damage the foundation of your house. Second, branches leaning closely to your roof will end up collecting leaves which could in turn rotten your tiles or shingles. Needless to say, they will become weaker. You can also predict that if the branches are heavy, they can break the roof tiles or shingles.

4. Inspect and Replace Roof Boots
No, those are not the boots you wall on the roof. Roof boots are the rubber cover around a vent pipe (usually from the kitchen and bathroom for ventilation). Always inspect your roof boots. They are likely to dry-up and crack. That means the rain and snow can come through your roof. You can already see how that can turn into a major leak! Should you find a damaged roof boot, you need to replace it ASAP.

5. Replace Roof Sealant as Needed
If you notice signs of cracking or too much wear, you should look into replacing the sealant. That will prevent the roof to wear out and give it some more years of life. You should hire a professional to do that if you have no experience.

6. Inspect for Rust for Metal Roofs
If you have metal roofs you need to check our for rust or corrosion on the metal parts. If you notice some, you should wire-brush to remove corrosion followed by paint to the area.

7. Careful When Walking on Your Roof
If you are planning to walk on your roof to check it out or to fix something you should do it when the weather is mild. In the United States the climate varies so much across all the states, making it difficult to set a specific timing for everyone. As a general rule it is better in the morning in the summer, or afternoon in the winter months. The reason for that is because extreme weather makes the shingles very brittle. You may break them if you walk on it when they are brittle. Moreover, be careful every time you walk on your roof. Not only to nor break it but to not get yourself hurt. Unfortunately, people fall and seriously hurt themselves every year when walking on a roof.

8. Hire a roofer contractor you trust
Maintaining your roof also means to hire someone qualified as soon as you find a problem. If you find any issue with your roof you should contact a roofing contractors ASAP. Common examples are missing, broken, or curling shingles, stains, or paint bubbles on the wall, or dripping water from the roof. Each problem will get bigger the longer you wait.

In sum, inspect your roof annually! Especially after a storm. The United States has been suffering from so many storms lately. You can do it yourself or hire a professional to do it. The cost of doing that will save you thousands of dollars and years of life to your roof.
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